September 27- James 2:14-26 What Good is it?
September 27 James 2:14-26 Community Group Questions In what ways do you sense your “internal legalist” kick in when you hear the phrase “Faith without works is dead” “...It is useless.” In what ways have you seen “well-wishing” (aka be warm and well fed) in the church? How about within yourself and your own life? What keeps you from responding to the needs around you? Lack of awareness? Courage? Something else? Share a time where you were obedient to the Spirit’s promptings to meet a need? “ cannot save us.” What makes people hesitant to “sit in the chair”? Is Demonic Faith too strong? What strikes you about Rahab’s story? What simple sets might God be calling you to take so that your family tree looks different? “A Christian is so much more than someone who has a general or sentimental belief in God, and a biblically informed morality. A Christian is someone who has been supernaturally born again from above and is, by grace through fa...