September 20- James 1:19-27
Community Group Questions
- Welcome any new people and introduce yourselves- Name, work, school, etc...
- What rule(s) did you have growing up that you thought was not needed or that you did not obey? What’s your pet-peeve? What can make you get upset very quickly?
- The Text: What questions or insights did you have from you weekly reading? Share those and ask your questions.
- Is it easy for you to be “quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”? Why or why not? Can you think of times where you wished you had followed James’ proverb?
- “Vision Leaks”, is a common axiom to describe the task of leadership. The ideas is that people so often forget what is important that you have to constantly remind them. The bucket just keeps leaking so we need to constantly fill up other people’s buckets with a God-sized Vision for His world. OR the image James uses, It’s like looking in a mirror and immediately forgetting what you look like.
How is do you see this in your own life? What truths about God in your life continue to “leak”?
- How would you describe or define “religion”?
What does James say about “pure and faultless religion”?
- I wonder why James says in verse 25 “the perfect law that gives freedom”? How can we be free under a law or under rules that we have to follow? What does James mean here?
- Share prayer requests and pray for one another.
Reading For the Coming Week
As you read, pray over the text. What words jump out at you? What sounds strange? What is convicting?
If you can, come up with one question you have and one insight from each passage or verse.
If you can, come up with one question you have and one insight from each passage or verse.
Friday, 9/21 - Read James 2:14-17
Saturday, 9/22 - Read James 2:18-19
Sunday, 9/23 - Read James 2:20-24
Monday, 9/24 - Read James 2:25-26
Tuesday, 9/25- Read James 2:14-26
- What do you do differently because you have faith in God?
- How can our faith be “made complete” by what we do?
- I wonder why James needed to talk about having faith without deeds in this letter to the Jewish Christians of the early church?
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