November 1

November 1
Acts 3:1-10

Community Group Questions

  1. What about this past week has made you feel the most weak? What has made you look to alms, or idols, or God, for a remedy?

  1. Who is someone that has helped you fix your gaze? Reflect on someone who has taken your hand or guided you towards Jesus / who you saw Jesus through.

  1. Can you name someone whose hand you can take? Someone for whom you can help direct their gaze? (I challenge you to engage with someone intentionally this week)

  1. How can you use your story to help others see the Gospel and God’s story? (This is also an opportunity to share your story, or part of it, with your group.)

  1. What does this passage say about who God is?

  1. Pray boldly. Try a new type of praying with your group. Can you lay hands on each other’s shoulders? Can you kneel again? Can you pray for something you might think is radical? Share your praises and share your hurts, and offer them to God once again.


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