Oct 11

October 11
James 3:13-4:12

Community Group Questions

  1. Welcome any new folks to your group and give them a chance to introduce themselves.
  2. Name someone you would describe as wise and explain why you consider them to be wise?
  3. Name something you would really love to have, but don’t have.  

  1. How would you define wisdom?  How does James define it in James 3:13-18?
How does humility play a part in us coming near to God?

  1. In what ways to we push ourselves to the middle of our own universe? Why is this so easy to do?

  1. Can you think of a time where God withheld something you thought you wanted, only to see that in the end he had your best interest in mind?   Is there something in your life currently that you have prayed will come to fruition and you’re not sure what God’s up to or where it will go?

  1. What are some other “demonic” lies people tend to listen to?

  1. Cory offered 3 ways to grow in true wisdom and spot false wisdom. Is there one that stands out to you more than the others at this point in your life? Are there specific action steps that God is calling you to take?

Reading For the Coming Week
As you read, pray over the text. What words jump out at you? What sounds strange? What is convicting?
If you can, come up with one question you have and one insight from each passage or verse.  

This week: Week of 10/12/18  James 4:13-17; 5:7-12

Friday, 10/12 - Read James 4:13-17
Saturday, 10/9 - Read James 5:7-9
Sunday, 10/10 - Read James 5:10-11
Monday, 10/11 - Read James 5:12
Tuesday, 10/12 - Read James 4:13-17 and 5:7-12

 Couch Talk Questions for 10/7/18
  1. Why does James say “You do not even know what will happen tomorrow.” (James 4:14)?   Is it easy to forget God’s sovereignty and feel like we have the ultimate control of our lives? What is James's advice for this?
  2. What does it look like to be “patient in the face of suffering”? (James 5:10)
  3. I wonder why James starts this section of text with “Now listen, you…”?  


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